Age: 5+
A performance about divorce and about belonging to multiple homes and families. About moving back and forth, forgetting and being forgotten, being home and at the same time missing home, but also about extra siblings and a lots of people to love. With humor and care the performance works with the issues and challenges associated with living with many families as a Child.
"From one child of divorce to another (…), I can highly recommend that you stop by Zangenbergs Theater to and get a heart-warming experience" - Ungt Teaterblod
"Gazart has created a very nice performance, and it’s a pleasure to see, that such a grave matter is being transformed into dance, music and scenography in a very successfully created children’s universe" - Iscene
"Exemplary simple and deeply solidary" - Teateravisen
Gazart performances take a curios look at familiar situations from everyday life. They create new angles on the trivia with which we surround ourselves but which we seldom regard as particularly significant. Tali uses her choreography to poke holes in the bubbles of imagination, releasing it to flow freely in an artful universe.