By Teater Sagohuset
MAX- the play about the ball, the car and the lamp A dancer, a musician and an actor present Max’s magical world and everyday adventures. The performance is about the ball, the car and the lamp, but also the words, the colours and the tunes. It is about what is yours and mine, here and there, and last but not least silly things that don’t do what you want them to do. The stage invites to interaction between audience and actors. A low-key, intimate and beautiful performance for the smallest ones. Based on the Swedish author Barbro Lindgren’s well known books about Max.
Teater Sagohuset produces performing art for children, teens and adults. Our performances are a mixture of newly written plays and reinterpretation of old fairytales. Music, dance and rythm are all valuable expressions for us. We often work with integrated experiences where our plays relates to exhibitions or own creation. Narration is something we always explore and finds new shapes for. Our theatre is in Lund and we tour in Skåne, Sweden and abroad. Teater Sagohuset is an independent theatre group with support from Lunds Kommun, Region Skåne and Statens Kulturråd.
Age: 1-3 years
Contact: Producer Sara Backlund Hammar
Phone : +46(0)46-122141
mail: teater@sagohuset.nu
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=a-8shZXSIBA&feature=emb_logo
Zikape © 2017