By Gazart
Five dancers explore and challenge bodily expressions and forms.
A kind of shape-sorting game where the blocks are constantly up for negotiation. Long, trailing arms become a dynamic seduction, large and bulging muscles become depressingly burdensome and snazzy, flared trousers turn the world on its head.
Body Joy is a continuation of the experiment we embarked upon back in 2022 with Gender Joy – and once again, this will be a physical and musical collage that plays with gender roles and norms that we – perhaps unwittingly – play a part in creating and upholding.
Choreography: Tali Rázga
Set design and costumes: Ida Marie Ellekilde
Music: Rumspistol
Dancers: Jan Vesala, Oriane Paras, Søren Linding, Loa Carlslund, Joana Ellen Öhlschläger
Photo: Søren Meisner
Duration: Approx 40 minutes. Duration can vary based on location and age group.
Premiere: Dansetippen in Copenhagen, June 17th 2023.
Tour: Contact info@gazart.dk for more information and booking.
31 August 15:00 at Moriskan's main stage
Target audience: age 5+
Zikape © 2017