Edifice/Snygga byggen
By Emma Ribbing
What is your favourite building?
If it was your body, what shape would it take?
What if we together shape our favourite streets?
What if future cities start with children exploring dance and art!
Edifice/Snygga Byggen (SE) is a performative art experience in two parts,
designed for the theatre as well as the park. It is tourable for two people
and one special sized luggage. Edifice is aimed for children age 3 to 5 but neverless enjoyable for all ages.
Part one is a film to be screened prior to the performance, found here below by scanning the QR code or liked in the digital information-sheet.
Part two is a performance and a workshop, inviting spectators to move or observe, construct and deconstruct with the estetics of sound and sculpure.
Through movement as temporary architecture the project aim to make us reflect and share democratisation of city planning by taking the perspectives of children and dancers.
Supported by Region Skåne and the Swedish Arts Council
Age: 3-6 years
Maxaudience/ participants: 25-30 children at the timeDuration: total 55 min (35-40 min performative workshop, 15-20min construction)
Contact: E m m a R i b b i n g/Creative Dialogue
@ in-discourse production studios
Tel: +46 (0)70949042
Web: www.emmaribbing.com
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/590942729/cca31cc3a0
Zikape © 2017